“Who’s Most Likely To…”: 9 Fun Facts About ITZY From Their BORN TO BE Manila Press Event
From the group’s certified night owl to who can finish a pint of ice cream in one sitting, here are nine fun facts we learned about ITZY from their BORN TO BE Manila press event.

ITZY: photographed by Mayks Go/Billboard Phili
ITZY: photographed by Mayks Go/Billboard Philippines
It’s always a treat getting to witness artists and their fans connect with each other in person.
You get to see just how much of an impact these artists have made on their followers and how their fans have also been able to do the same for them. Instances of this face-to-face connection are often mutual displays of love, support, and, perhaps most of all, gratitude from both sides, becoming a testament to just how deep and meaningful of a connection music can establish between artists and those whose lives they’ve been able to touch. More so, such meetings between the two help both sides get to know each other even better.

Photographed by Mayks Go
Last night at the Glorietta 4 activity area, ITZY and their fans, the MIDZYs, were able to beautifully offer a glimpse of this in public, as the K-pop girl group held a special press conference ahead of their highly anticipated Manila comeback concert today (August 3) at the SM Mall of Asia Arena for their BORN TO BE world tour.
As ITZY took to the press conference stage amidst supportive and excited shouts and screams, the MIDZYs present were able to outstandingly make the “UNTOUCHABLE” hitmakers feel the love and energy that only a Filipino crowd can uniquely offer – something that ITZY leader Yeji shares they have always been and continue to be impressed by, stating how much of an honor it is to meet their MIDZYs in the Philippines once more.

Photographed by Mayks Go
Alongside answering questions from the media and even ITZY showcasing their Tagalog-speaking skills, the highlight of the event was the group getting to play “Who’s Most Likely To…” with every MIDZYs in the audience participating. A sort of fill-in-the-blank type of game, potential scenarios and truths were given to ITZY, with the members voting and pointing towards who best fits each one, resulting in eye-opening and even hilarious fun facts being revealed, much to the amusement of both ITZY and the Filipino MIDZYs present.
Whether one was a long-time, die-hard fan or a newcomer in attendance, this game undeniably brought the MIDZYs closer to ITZY, helping them bond with and learn something new and – mostly – funny about their favorites. From who is the group’s certified night owl to who can finish a pint of ice cream in one sitting, below are nine of these fun facts you may or may not have heard about ITZY before.
Who is most likely to be the prankster?
Before the members even got the chance to vote on this one, shouts of main rapper Ryujin’s name filled the venue courtesy of the MIDZY’s. Sure enough, all the members agree unanimously agree. Even Ryujin as she admits with a heartfelt laugh that she does love being the prankster within the group.
Who is most likely to be secretly wealthy?

Photographed by Mayks Go
Quick to vote on this one, the members of ITZY voted Ryujin once again with lead rapper and dancer Yuna jokingly chiming in that it’s because, “She doesn’t spend money!” noting how frugal Ryujin often is to which Ryujin agrees.
Who is most likely to bring the biggest makeup kit?
As unified screams of her name were echoed by all the MIDZYs, Yuna was unanimously voted for this, with her proudly stating, “Yes, I love doing makeup!” earning her more screams from the fans as they expressed their agreement.
Who is most likely going to cry over a sad movie?
ITZY’s votes varied for this one but what everyone learned from it, as Ryujin humorously shares, is that while, indeed, most of the members are likely to cry over sad films, Yeji is known as the only one amongst them to have never done so.
Who is most likely to stay up all night?
Unanimously agreed upon by the members once again, Ryujin was revealed to be the group’s night owl, with her sharing, “I normally sleep late – 4, 5 AM.”
Who is most likely to go to bed first?

Photographed by Mayks Go
As Yeji, Ryujin, Yuna, and main dancer Chaeryeong each decided who to vote for, they eventually came to an agreement that the member who best fits this description wasn’t present that day, pertaining to main vocalist Lia who is currently easing back into their group activities following a nearly 10-month hiatus to take care of mental health concerns.
This bittersweet answer earned the group a loud, unified “awww” from the Filipino MIDZYs in attendance, letting the members know just how much they miss Lia as they all chanted her name, with the four clearly touched by the gesture.
Who is most likely to keep hitting the snooze button?
With this question, the fans immediately started shouting out Yeji’s name in unison, earning them a joking, “Not me!” from the ITZY leader. They eventually reveal, however, that Yuna is actually the most likely, noting how she is often the last in the group to wake up, which she confirms.
Who is most likely able to finish a pint of ice cream in one sitting?
With everyone voting for themselves except for Ryujin – who voted for Yeji, the members agreed they all just love ice cream so much, revealing that they like some a type of yoghurt-like ice cream back home in South Korea, noting how popular those are because you can customize them to your liking.
Who is most likely to miss their flight because they packed last minute?

Photographed by Mayks Go
For one last unanimous vote, the members all playfully state that Yuna to be the most likely to do so, earning a final round of laughs and cheers from the Filipino MIDZYs as Yuna once again confirms another fun fact of hers.
Listen to ITZY’s latest album BORN TO BE below:
Check out more photos from ITZY’s BORN TO BE Manila Press Event below:

Photographed by Mayks Go

Photographed by Mayks Go

Photographed by Mayks Go

Photographed by Mayks Go

Photographed by Mayks Go

Photographed by Mayks G

Photographed by Mayks Go

Photographed by Mayks Go